Scams Target Local Electric Cooperatives


Southern Pine Electric, Dixie Electric and Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association have received  reports from members regarding a possible scam. The callers are telling members that their electric service accounts will be disconnected unless a payment is made immediately. The caller then provides false information about where and how that payment can be made.

Please remember that Southern Pine Electric and Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association do not call its members regarding disconnects. Dixie Electric has an automated call system, but would not request personal identifying information or credit card numbers from its members. A member would input this information if he/she chose to make a payment.

Here are three tips that may help you protect your bank accounts, credit cards and identify:

Never give any personal information over the phone to someone you do not know.

Electric utilities will not tell you to pay your bill with gift cards, pre-loaded money cards or though wiring money.

Call your local electric cooperative to verify a call before you give any account information over the phone.

If you suspect a scam, please inform Southern Pine Electric by calling 601-785-6511, Dixie Electric by calling 601-425-2535, or Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association by calling 601-736-266.

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