As of last night, the Mississippi River reached forty-three (46.2) feet on the Vicksburg, MS gauge AND ninety-two (92.10) feet on the Steel Bayou Landside gauge. Pursuant to the order of the Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, all areas within the state inundated by Mississippi River floodwaters are “no wake” zones, and any boating in affected areas other than by people with property in affected areas, is discouraged. In addition, Wolf Lake is Closed to all recreational boating activities until this order is removed. Boating in Wolf Lake other than by people with property in the affected area, is Closed and wake zones will be enforced.
The MDWFP will continue its increased its law enforcement presence in the affected areas to patrol the levees and waterways, to promote public safety for residents affected by the rising waters, and to enforce the wildlife laws that protect animals affected by flooding.
For more information regarding boating and the outdoors in Mississippi, visit our website at or call us at 601-432-2400. Follow us on Facebook at or on Twitter at