Biofuel Revolution Bringing Jobs to Lumberton


      SynSel Energy, Inc. of Elmhurst, IL is partnering with a US-based financier and G and C Industrial Services of Lumberton, MS to develop a $300 Million biorefinery in Lumberton.  The plant will use state-of-the-art, environmentally-responsible technology to produce clean second-generation biofuels from the area’s abundant wood waste and forest residue. SynSel CEO, Tim Tawoda stated, “The plant is fully-funded, and SynSel is currently securing the project deposit fund required to release pre-construction and construction funds.  The plant is slated to be fully operational by 2020.”

The plant will be located in the Lumberton Light Industrial Park, and will employ 100 workers. It is estimated that an additional 150 jobs will be created in the surrounding community. Mr. Jackie Grimes, Partner in G and C Industrial Services stated, “The closures of the Land O’Lakes Purina, the pre-cast, and Cooper Electronic plants left over a hundred people without jobs. We are nearing the end to bring the SynSel Biorefinery to Lumberton and get our people working both at the plant and in the logging community. Our loggers have a glut of wood right now, and there are no great outlets for it. The SynSel Biorefinery will use this wood waste to create biofuel.”

Grimes further stated, “SynSel projects actually support many of the Trump Administration’s initiatives including job creation and energy independence. We are using domestically sourced waste wood to produce the renewable biofuel and decrease dependence on oil imports. Also, the Department of Defense is looking for fuel like what SynSel produces. So, an off-take with the DOD increases economic activity in getting fuel to their loading marine and rail terminals, all the while improving Energy Security.”

SynSel CEO, Tim Tawoda concluded, “A SynSel plant is going to appeal to the consumer that would otherwise opt for an electric vehicle due to the impact on climate change. Also, unless the cost of petro fuel increases by a magnitude of 6, the SynSel plant is going to appeal to the consumer looking for the best value for his dollar – a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. The SynSel Biofuel Revolution has begun. We are eager to engage with state, county, and community leaders and stakeholders at the appropriate time.”

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