Ferguson Federal Credit Union Open in Columbia

Ferguson Federal Credit Union has successfully opened its latest branch on High School Ave in Columbia. The people and city officials of Columbia came out to help celebrate the grand opening of the branch on Tuesday, August 1st. The Marion County Development Partnership was... Read More.

Hear the mayoral candidates on Catchy Friday.

Join MCDP on Friday, April 28th for our monthly membership breakfast, Catchy Friday!  The City of Columbia's Mayoral Candidates will be our program speakers.  We will meet in the Business Plex-Community Room, 1730 Highway 44, Columbia at 7:45 a.m. Bring a guest, bring your business cards, and get informed! Sponsored this month by Citizens Bank.

Nelson Wholesale Opening Facility in Columbia

Nelson Wholesale announced this week that it will locate a new pet food and pet product distribution facility in Columbia. the company will invest $2 million and will create 20 jobs. Headquartered in Brownwood, Texas, Nelson Wholesale is relocating it's distribution operations from Hammond, LA... Read More.