Monday with the Mayor July 2nd

This interview with Mayor Justin McKenzie was broadcast Monday morning July 2nd, 2018. This is in two parts.

The Morning Show Blog: Love is in the Air

Every area of the world has some species that is peculiar to that region. In Nashville we had the 7 year cicada, which made the wooded areas (and there are a surprisingly large number of wooded areas there) ring with a buzzing sound that... Read More.

Morning Show Playlist August 30

Hey there y'all... From time to time folks will ask me, "What was that song you played". Much of the time I'll announce on the air who it is, but sometimes I miss a few so thought it would be a cool idea to show... Read More.

WJDR now on TuneIn Radio

Been waiting to be able to take the best country music in the pine belt along on your smartphone or tablet? Well now you can. Station owner Tommy McDaniel, Operations Manager Caston Countz, and WJDR Station Manager Megan Brown are pleased to announce the... Read More.

WCJU-FM now on TuneIn Radio

Tommy McDaniel, owner of WCJU-FM announced Friday morning that the station can now be streamed on cellphone or tablet through the TuneIn Radio app. The app, which can be found through the google app store, will now allow anyone to listen to WCJU's programming... Read More.