Where are the closed bridges in Mississippi?

Have you wondered where are all of the bridges that have been closed in Mississippi? Mississippi.org has issued an interactive map showing the 542 bridges in the state that has been closed as of April 1st. In just the past week over 100 have... Read More.

Rail Crossing in North Lawrence County Closing

The Mississippi Department of Transportation will be closing the rail crossing on Highway 27 in Northern Lawrence County near Wanilla. The area is located about five miles north of Monticello. The crossing will be closing on March 28th from 7:00am to 5:00pm. No traffic... Read More.

Lake Mary Crawford Closed for Renovation

  MONTICELLO – Lake Mary Crawford, located near Monticello, is closed to the public.  The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) drained the lake in preparation for planned renovations.  “Draining Lake Mary Crawford will allow us to make needed repairs to the... Read More.